Bully Wiki
Cook's Date
Location: Near the Aquaberry Clothing store
Time(s) Available: between 4 p.m. and curfew
Faction: N/A
Reward: $50
Unlocks: N/A

Cook's Date is a non-storyline mission first available in Chapter 3.

The Mission


The setup was given at the end of the previous mission, Cook's Crush. Edna has hired Jimmy to make sure her date with Dr. Watts goes well.

The date is dinner at Shea Lewis cafe in Old Bullworth Vale that is right next door to the Aquaberry shop. On the other side of the cafe, coincidentally, is an hourly-rates hotel.


There is a climbable tree right by the cafe. Jimmy has a short time limit to climb it, he has to be out of sight before Dr. Watts arrives.

Edna and Dr. Watts converse, while various kids from Bullworth walk up to them and laugh at Edna.

Edna has a health meter. It is drained quickly by students laughing at her, but it regenerates when there aren't any. Jimmy must drive the students away with shots from his slingshot while Edna and Dr. Watts converse. At first they make small talk, then Edna manages to get Dr. Watts to drink the coffee she laced with the sedatives Jimmy got in the previous mission.

The mission is completed when the conversation ends.


Dr. Watts suddenly gets a good look at Edna's face, which looks even more horrendous than usual due to the gobs of makeup she put on. But the sedatives have dazed him, and Edna leads him inside the hourly-rates hotel, promising to show him "everything she knows about chemistry... and biology!".


  • The mission name is not displayed at the fading screen.
  • This is the only mission in the game where Jimmy can hit girls, adults, and authority without filling his trouble meter.
  • Hitting Edna and/or Dr. Watts will fail the mission
  • In Dr. Watts sedated and delusional state, he will claim that the "demons are back!" after seeing Edna's face. This could be a side-effect of his frequent mixing of chemicals, the shady origins of the sedatives, or both.
  • While Jimmy is climbing the tree, neither Dr. Watts or Edna are visible in front of the cafe, yet during the cutscene where Dr. Watts approaches Edna, she is sitting at the table.
  • If you bring a bicycle to this mission, sometimes a fleeing student will steal it.
  • This is the one of the two times where Edna appears outside of the school cafeteria. The other time being at the end of Final Showdown where she is seen cheering for Jimmy.
  • If you slingshot either Dr. Watts or Edna at towards the ending cutscene, it will tell you that you failed, however it will still show you the cutscene. When the cutscene is finished you must restart the mission again.

Video Walkthroughs
