Bully Wiki

"I better make a friend soon, 'cause I'm running out of cash to buy stuff"[]

Someone just made an edit on Ray's page, changing "He mentions that he buys people stuff so they will be his friend" to "He mentions that he makes friends so he has money to buy stuff." At first I thought this was wrong but, they make a point. Ray's quote, as I put in the title of this comment, doesn't directly say that he buys people things so they'll be his friend. It's possible that he's wanting a friend so they'll buy him things, and not that he buys things for them so they they'll be his friend. But it could mean either one. Jeff, what do you think about this? R34l R1ch4rd N1x0n (talk) 20:46, 20 December 2022 (UTC)

There's another quote by Ray, Ray_CONVPP_v4, that adds necessary context to the page quote. It goes "I like to buy stuff for people, so they will like me." I think what Ray's actually trying to say on the page quote is, he's running out of money to buy things for people, and he's hoping it actually makes someone like him before he goes broke. Jeff (talk·stalk) 03:56, 23 December 2022 (UTC)
Ah, I was unaware of that quote. So the original point stands, then. R34l R1ch4rd N1x0n (talk) 04:06, 23 December 2022 (UTC)